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Welcome to my blog! My name is Nathan. I'm a newly-wed and I just started studying to be a marriage and family counselor! Please join me on my journey to learn how to build and maintain a healthy family relationship. I would love to hear your insights and questions regarding anything I post here, so feel free to leave comments on any post!

Latest Posts


Parenting is hard: What do I teach my children?

Accessible, Responsible, and Involved: A Father's Role

How to win every fight (even with your wife)

What Doesn't Kill You Makes You (and your family) Stronger

When do I give my kids, "The Talk?"

The top 10 things to talk about before your wedding day

Dating vs. Courtship

A Tale of Two Genders

Overcoming Poverty: How Changing your Mindset and Culture can Change your Life

How Come Grandpa Always gets the Comfy Chair?